The South Pole Telescope (SPT) is a 10 meter microwave telescope located at the Amundsen-Scott South Pole Station in Antarctica. It primarily observes the cosmic microwave background (CMB), which is a thermal remnant or “heat echo” from the Big Bang. In addition to the primary CMB camera in the SPT, there is also a secondary specialized sub-millimeter camera which allows the SPT to participate in the Event Horizon Telescope (EHT), a global array of radio telescopes which work together to act as one earth-sized “synthetic telescope” in order to image and study nearby supermassive black holes. By combining data taken simultaneously with the SPT and the other telescopes in the EHT array, we can learn about the gravitational dynamics of black holes, better understand high-energy jets, strong astrophysical magnetic fields, and other astrophysical phenomena that happen in the unique environment around black holes.