Network of Experts

The Network of Experts lends their collective expertise as advisors to Polar STEAM.  They were selected to represent a diversity of expertise in inclusivity work, polar research broader impacts, education (K-12, informal, 2-year and minority-serving), art and science partnerships, and science writing for public understanding. 

Kimberly smiling in front of the ocean

Kimberly Aiken

Kimberly is a PhD student at the University of Tasmania, Australia, Institute for Marine and Antarctic Studies, undertaking a research project focused on building more diverse, equitable, and inclusive extreme and remote workforce environments. She has contributed to several outreach and advocacy platforms and currently co-leads the Diversity and Inclusion Community Practice Group with the Interagency Arctic Research Policy Committee (IARPC).

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Jeanette Davis

Jeanette Davis (Dr. Ocean) is a marine microbiologist, a bestselling children’s book author and founder of Science is Everywhere created to provide safe spaces for underrepresented groups to explore science. Dr. Davis is an advocate for diversity, equity and inclusion in STEM and she will advise on inclusivity practices.

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Allison Davis-White Eyes

Allison Davis-White Eyes is Vice President for Diversity, Equity and Inclusion at Fielding Graduate University. Her research focuses on post-colonial cosmopolitanism, research ethics and decolonizing methodologies, culture and identity and intersectionality in theory and organizational praxis. Dr. Davis White Eyes will advise on Indigenous representations in professional development.

Walter Kitundu in black and white in front of a blank background

Walter Kitundu

Walter Kitundu is multidisciplinary artist and educator. He creates sculpture, sound installations, and large-scale public art works that address place, history, nature, and community. Kitundu is the director of Kitundu Studio, which focuses on the development and installation of public art works. He will advise on artist and writer engagement.

Janice McDonnell outdoors

Janice McDonnell

Janice McDonnell is a marine educator at Rutgers University, Project Director of Polar Ice, and co-author of the Polar Literacy Principles. She designs and leads professional development for scientists as they conduct public engagement and build critical partnerships to enhance the impacts of their research. McDonnell will advise on scientists professional development and collaborative processes to advance broader impacts.

Heather Macdonald in front of a green background.

R. Heather Macdonald

R. Heather Macdonald is a Professor of Geology and leads the NSF funded, Faculty as Change Agents: Transforming Geoscience Education in Two-year Colleges (known as the SAGE). Macdonald will advise on participation of educators from two-year colleges.

Christofer Nelson in front of a black background

Christofer Nelson

Christofer Nelson is Director of the Association of Science and Technology Centers, a network of 600 centers reaching more than 110 million people annually. Nelson will advise on engaging informal educators and broader impacts partnerships with science and technology centers.

Greg Neri in the snow holding the book "Tru & Nelle A Christmas Tale"

Greg Neri

Greg Neri is co-chair of the AAW Collective. A graphic novelist and fiction writer, he publishes books for urban teens. His books, My Antarctica and The Time Traveling Dino Detectives of Antarctica were based on his participation in the Antarctic Artists and Writers Program in 2017. Neri will advise and provide mentorship for artists and writers.

Erika Shugart in front of a white wall

Erika Shugart

Erika Shugart is Executive Director of the National Science Teachers Association and a recognized as a leader in informal science education and scientist professional development. She will advise on educator professional development and alignment with national science standards.

Craig Welch in front of a black background

Craig Welch

Craig Welch is a storyteller and journalist who reports on climate change and natural resources issues. Until recently, he worked as a senior staff writer for National Geographic and has extensive experience visiting and writing about Polar regions. He will support AAW engagement.