The National Ecological Observatory Network (NEON) provides a standardized instrumentation and observational platform with the capability to measure the structure, composition, processes, and dynamics of the biosphere from local to continental scales. NEON is the first continental-scale facility designed to enable ecological research on the causes of and responses to environmental change. It provides this capability through in situ sensing capabilities, biological measurements, airborne remote sensing, and data products delivered through a cyberinfrastructure backbone that ensures community access to these resources. NEON supports a large and diverse group of stakeholders – ecologists, educators, policy makers, and engineers – who use the NEON infrastructure and data in their research, management and training programs. Data provided by NEON contributes to collaborative, innovative, multi-disciplinary approaches to educate undergraduate and graduate students. Education and training initiatives include workshops, seminars, tutorials, and data carpentry courses. NEON recruits individuals from underserved and minority communities, through a program that capitalizes on the distributed nature of NEON and the expertise at localized ecological domains to promote broader community engagement.